Self Confidence

Believe in Yourself Like We Believe in You!


Belief in yourself is the foundation from which we step forth boldly and create change in our lives, communities, and world.

Believe in Yourself
Belief in yourself is the foundation from which we step forth boldly and create change in our lives, communities, and world.

Why Self-Confidence Matters with Girl, unKnown Inc. – The socio-psychological concept of self-confidence relates to self-assurance in one’s personal judgment, ability, power, and beyond.

The GU Experience
Welcome To Your Self-Confidence Jumpstart Journey
Membership Benefits

Individuals entering this track get a Self Confidence Jumpstart Journey Journal & Folder and consult with a professional therapist to set goals and intentions to track progress. At least one follow-up with therapist per member is required. Members can also opt to set up on-going services with Professional Pillar Partner, who will provide GU with progress reports as permitted by HIPPA statutes and privacy laws. Our goal is to the best support for that member.

 All of our members are encouraged to get mentors and mentees in their chosen track so they can act as support and accountability partners Members entering the Self-Confidence Track are also given the opportunity to consult with a professional Image Consultant